Specifications for cinnamon quills Grade Diameter (max. mm) Min. no. of 42”long quills per kg % rough quills per kg PRICE /KG 2022/JULY/SLR Max. % of single quality quills per bail Alba 6 45 None 6300 1 C00000 Sp. 6 35 10 5300 1 C00000 10 31 10 5000 C0000 13 24 10 4400 C000 16 22 15 C00 17 20 20 C0 19 18 25 Mexican (M) M00000Sp. 16 22 50 2 M00000 16 22 60 M0000 19 18 60 3900 Hamburg (H) H1 23 11 25 4200 3 H2 25 9 40 4100 OFF CUT 2600
Cinnamon was one of the first traded spices of the ancient world. Cinnamon was a popular spice in the ancient Arab world and Arab traders have paved the way for Cinnamon to travel a long distance through the spice route to the European market. Cinnamon has motivated many historical voyages leading to discovery of New World by Christopher Columbus and Vasco De Gamma to Sri Lanka & South India.(extract fromEDB*) Ceylon Cinnamon (Cinamomum Zylanicum) a plant indigenous to Sri Lanka is a moderately size bushy ever green tree. Cinnamon grown and produced in Sri Lanka has acquired long standing reputation in the international market due to its unique, quality, color, flavor and aroma. The name Ceylon Cinnamon derived from the former name of Sri Lanka is a very established geographical indication for Cinnamon.(extract fromEDB*) Cinnamon is the most important and valuable spice produced in Sri Lanka. Before the advent of modern food preservation technology Europeans have used Cinna